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<tons of spoilers below, proceed with caution>

I've gotten all kinds of pRNG from -44(?) to +15, but I don't think it really matters :P


* salt, water & chlorine

* centipede mandible

* imaginary friend

* neutral ground

* forbidden knowledge

* infinite energy

* a safe word

* a y of X

No idea how to solve Holodeck (it seems like luck = pRNG, but you always enter with positive pRNG?)

No idea how to solve Money (aside from clicking 100k times)

Couldn't figure out how to enter Game Jam and Chaos - I know there are two sets of deterministic rules for dungeon routing, but couldn't figure out when each set is in effect.

I don't know if I did well, at the end the game shows PRNG: 0

9 mice later, 29, 61, 41, 28, 13, 67, 7, 23, 101 I got the centipede mandible and safe word trophies. I got a zero prng in the neutral dungeon but no trophy for that run :s and I'm still not sure about the idol.

Interesting little puzzles =D

(2 edits)

Mouse 97 (Evaluated -1, no trophy)


(1 edit)

47. i played it a bunch of times. i like the different dungeons, and i really loved what all the creatures have to say. paints an interesting picture of the world they inhabit. 


-1, -2, -2, -19, -8 plus a trophy. No idea of what's going on but I did enjoy it.